Another IaC tool …
Modern Infrastructure as Code.
Create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud using familiar programming languages and tool
In this example we will use Pulumi Crosswalk for AWS to easily create a Topic, Queues and a User with access permissions to them. Pulumi Crosswalk for AWS is a collection of libraries that use automatic well-architected best practices to make common infrastructure-as-code tasks in AWS easier and more secure.
Install Pulumi on Linux by running the installation script:
curl -fsSL | sh
Install Node.js:
sudo snap install node --classic
Create a “pulumi_my” project:
mkdir pulumi_my && cd pulumi_my && pulumi new aws-typescript --emoji --generate-only
nano -c index.ts
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
// Create an AWS resource (IAM)
const mypolicy = new aws.iam.Policy("my_policy", {
name: "my_policy",
policy: JSON.stringify({
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": "sns:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:my-region:my-account:my_topic"
"Action": "sqs:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue"
"Action": "sqs:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue_dlq"
const myuser = new aws.iam.User("my_user", {
name: "my_user",
const policyAttachment = new aws.iam.PolicyAttachment("my_policy_attachment", {
name: "my_policy_attachment",
users: [myuser],
policyArn: mypolicy.arn
// Create an AWS resource (SNS)
const myTopic = new aws.sns.Topic("my_topic", {
name: "my_topic",
deliveryPolicy: `{
"http": {
"defaultHealthyRetryPolicy": {
"numRetries": 3,
"numNoDelayRetries": 0,
"minDelayTarget": 20,
"maxDelayTarget": 20,
"numMinDelayRetries": 0,
"numMaxDelayRetries": 0,
"backoffFunction": "linear"
"disableSubscriptionOverrides": false
kmsMasterKeyId: "alias/aws/sns",
tags: {
Environment: "myproduction",
// Create an AWS resource (SQS)
const myQueueDlq = new aws.sqs.Queue("my_queue_dlq", {
name: "my_queue_dlq",
delaySeconds: 90,
maxMessageSize: 2048,
messageRetentionSeconds: 86400,
receiveWaitTimeSeconds: 10,
policy: JSON.stringify({
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue_dlq/SQSDefaultPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "__owner_statement",
"Action": "sqs:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue_dlq",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
tags: {
Environment: "myproduction",
}, { dependsOn: [myuser, mypolicy, policyAttachment] });
const myQueue = new aws.sqs.Queue("my_queue", {
name: "my_queue",
delaySeconds: 90,
maxMessageSize: 2048,
messageRetentionSeconds: 86400,
receiveWaitTimeSeconds: 10,
policy: JSON.stringify({
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue/SQSDefaultPolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "__owner_statement",
"Action": "sqs:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
//redrivePolicy: "{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"arn:aws:sqs:my-region:my-account:my_queue_dlq\",\"maxReceiveCount\":\"4\"}",
tags: {
Environment: "myproduction",
}, { dependsOn: [myuser, mypolicy, policyAttachment, myQueueDlq] });
export const iamUserName =;
export const iamAccesskeyID =;
export const iamAccesskeySecret = myAccessKey.sesSmtpPasswordV4;
export const arnPolicy =;
export const arnTopic =;
export const urlQueueDlq =;
export const urlQueue =;
Change “my-region” and “my-account”
Replace “my-region” with the region of your choice, for example, if you wanted to use “us-east-2” AKA “Ohio” it would look like below:
sed -i "s/"my-region"/"us-east-2"/g" index.ts
Replace “my-account” with your AWS account ID without the “-“, for example if it were “5555-5555-5555” it would look like below:
sed -i "s/"my-account"/"555555555555"/g" index.ts
Perform an initial deployment, run the following commands:
npm install
pulumi stack init
Review the “pulumi_my” project
pulumi preview
pulumi config set aws:profile my-profile
pulumi config set aws:region us-east-2
Deploy the Stack
pulumi up
Destroy the “pulumi_my” project
pulumi destroy
Remove the “pulumi_my” project from Stack
pulumi stack rm dev
Share this recording
Append ?t=30
to start the playback at 30s, ?t=3:20
to start the playback at 3m 20s.
Embed image link
Use snippets below to display a screenshot linking to this recording.
Useful in places where scripts are not allowed (e.g. in a project's README file).
Embed the player
If you're embedding on your own page or on a site which permits script tags, you can use the full player widget:
Paste the above script tag where you want the player to be displayed on your page.
See embedding docs for additional options.
Download this recording
You can download this recording in asciicast v2 format, as a .cast file.
DownloadReplay in terminal
You can replay the downloaded recording in your terminal using the
asciinema play
asciinema play 364038.cast
If you don't have asciinema CLI installed then see installation instructions.
Use with stand-alone player on your website
Download asciinema player from
the releases page
(you only need .js
and .css
file), then use it like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="asciinema-player.css" />
<div id="player"></div>
<script src="asciinema-player.min.js"></script>
{ cols: 166, rows: 39 }
See asciinema player quick-start guide for full usage instructions.
Generate GIF from this recording
While this site doesn't provide GIF conversion at the moment, you can still do it yourself with the help of asciinema GIF generator utility - agg.
Once you have it installed, generate a GIF with the following command:
agg demo.gif
Or, if you already downloaded the recording file:
agg demo.cast demo.gif
Check agg --help
for all available options. You can change font
family and size, select color theme, adjust speed and more.
See agg manual for full usage instructions.