GNU/Linux ◆ foot ◆ fish 195 views

First we start iex with epmd disabled and using MeshxNode protocol distribution (see top left corner terminal for iex command). MeshxConsul is configured as service mesh adapter for MeshxNode and will start “node service” in background. We turn nodes into distributed running Node.start/1 and Node.set_cookie/2. By default, MeshxConsul will use Consul Connect built-in proxy as a sidecar proxy; you can see proxy stdout in terminals. We test node connectivity with Node.connect/1 and Node.list/0. Next we execute few functions exported by MeshxConsul:

  • list/0 - list services started on the node,
  • list_upstream/1 - list (node) service upstreams,
  • info/1 - service config as registered with Consul,
  • - (node) service sidecar proxy info.

Finally we run spawn() and to confirm erlang distribution compatibility with Meshx.