GNU/Linux ◆ foot ◆ fish 191 views

We start upstream client node :c1@h11 (right) and two :s1@h12 and :s1@h13 nodes, which will provide “service1” service. Example2.Client RPC client started on :c1@h11 is configured with 20 pool workers.

On client node :c1@h11 we Task.async/1 spawn 20 instances of call_do_work/0 function:

def call_do_work(), do:, :do_work, Node.self())

Spawned tasks are load balanced between available service providers by sidecar proxy (round-robin by default). After killing top left service node we repeat spawning call_do_work/0. Remaining part of animation probably doesn’t require explanation, one can see expected HA behavior.