Demonstration on btrfs snapshot list changes (rotating and sorting)

by LiuYan
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color 243 views

I wrote a bash script to create btrfs snapshot, and put it in crontab, scheduled to run hourly & daily & monthly, and preserved 24 hourly snapshots & 30 daily snapshots & 12 monthly snapshots.

我写了一个创建 btrfs 快照的脚本,将其配置在 crontab 中,每小时、每天、每月调度执行,并保留最近 24 个每小时快照、最近 30 个每天快照、最近 12 个每月快照。

Based on that strategy, this cast demonstrate how the btrfs snapshot list changes (rotating and sorting).

基于上述策略,本录屏将演示 btrfs 快照列表的变化情况(轮转、排序)。

This cast was generated via a Java program, not recorded by asciinema.

本录屏是使用一个 Java 程序生成的,不是用 asciinema 录制的。

The Java program generated 365 days cast data, total size is around 50MB, but I truncated to a smaller size (less than 8MB) to uploaded here.

Java 程序生成了 365 天的录屏数据,总大小约为 50MB,但为了上传到这里,我把它的大小截短了(小于 8MB)。