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GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-termite ◆ zsh 1277 views

[18 Mar 19]

adds enumeration module with OS-specific scripts

Linux: LinEnum by @rebootuser

Windows: PowerUp, JAWS, Sherlock

[15 Mar 19]

spawn command creates a new shell for redundancy

spawn host:port creats a new shell to different hosts

agent re-writen to use ishell for easier command additions and tab-completion

addition of tty-capable lister that provides emacs movements and other readline capabilities

vi-mode cli editing


reworks the tmux workflow to use the new gorsh-listener

use unix sockets to receive plaintext comms from agents when running behind a reverse proxy

env command expanded to also set variables

cp added

converted shell to a non-interactive, one-off code executor


Added a reverse SOCKS5 proxy over ssh. Configure in configs/ssh.json