ATC (Air Traffic Control) terminal game (bsdgames package)

by luc
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 5218 views

Me playing /usr/games/atc (provided by the bsdgames package on Debian). The level is called “novice” and was provided with the game. I’m not very good at it as you can see, dying in less than 4 minutes.

For some reason I can’t find any other videos of this game online (here or elsewhere), but it’s fun and very challenging. I like that there is very little randomness involved: if you die, it’s your fault. There is no AI to be at fault, nor can it be an input problem (it’s keyboard-only and the controls are definitely not an excuse for messing up, unlike e.g. the Wii controller which is always at fault).

If you are unfamiliar with the game: you direct planes to destinations given on the right. Destinations, exits, are denoted with the letter E and their number. Planes are addressed (as you can see on the bottom) by their letter. The plane’s digit (on the right and on the main screen) indicates its altitude. You lose when a plane exits incorrectly, runs out of fuel, or is too close to another plane (may not be adjacent nor occupy the same tile, horizontally and vertically). You cannot pause. You cannot win. Such is life.

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