GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 6542 views

A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports for multiple apps on multiple devices with one command. Additionally uninstalling allows to use wildcards as package name. This is basically a front-end for the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) which is required to run.

Main features:

  • Wildcard support for package names when uninstalling at the end or middle of the filter string:* or*e
  • Possible to provide multiple packages to uninstall:*,*,*
  • Installing multiple apks with one command
  • Installing/Uninstalling on all connected devices
  • Creating a bug report in zip format including screenshot and logcats
  • Starting custom activities to log additional information with bug report

Basic usage:

java -jar uber-adb-tools.jar --install /folder/apks/
java -jar uber-adb-tools.jar --uninstall com.your.packa*
java -jar uber-adb-tools.jar --bugreport ~/adb-logs/