GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 183 views

This screencast demonstrates the Mega-Merge workflow, which allows to combine selected feature branches into a single “Mega-Merge” commit that the working copy is based on. It begins by creating a new commit (Ctrl+N) based on a feature branch and then adds other feature branches as parents to the commit with the parent editor (Alt+P). As part of the workflow, new commits can be squashed (Alt+W) or rebased (Alt+R) into the existing feature branches. To end up with a linear history, the demo then shows how to merge a single branch into master and rebases everything else to complete a work phase.

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Splitting Commits 01:50

by tim-janik

jj-fzf demo1 02:02

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Undo a Rebase Command 01:28

by tim-janik

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