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A brief demo of using Parf, a lightweight and fully automated parameter tuning tool for the abstract interpretation-based static analyzer Frama-C/Eva. To use Parf, please install the docker image and more details can be found on this page:

  1. Install Docker as per

  2. Pull Parf from dockerhub:

    docker pull parfdocker/parf:v2.0

    To check whether you have successfully pulled the correct docker image: run docker images and see if parfdocker/parf exists.

  3. Run the Docker container:

    docker run -it --platform linux/amd64 --entrypoint /bin/bash -u vscode parfdocker/parf:v2.0

    You should be in a terminal environment as a user. Then

    cd /home/vscode
  4. Synchronize the environment with the current opam switch in the container:

    eval $(opam env)
  5. Check whether Frama-C and Mopsa are available in the container:

    frama-c --version


    mopsa-c -v
  6. Check the usage of Parf:

    frama-c -parf-h