GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 44 views

bics | Bash Interactive Configuration System

A modular framework for interactive bash plugin management without overcomplicating your .bashrc. More information at bics GitHub repository.


Install bics by following the next steps:

  1. Execute bics remotely to start the installation process.

     bash <(curl -sS self-install
  2. After installation has finished, edit the .bashrc file to source bics

    • Option 1: Manually append the following lines to the .bashrcfile:

        #region BICS
            . ~/.bics/bics
    • Option 2: Execute the following command to append the required lines to the .bashrc file:

        echo -e "\n#region BICS\n\t. ~/.bics/bics\n#endregion\n" >> ~/.bashrc
  3. Reload current shell either by closing and reopening the terminal or by executing the following command:

     exec bash
  4. Verify that bics was sourced and is running correctly.

     bics version