37 nnoremap go <nop> 36 # go to journal file 35 nnoremap <silent> goj <scriptcmd>buf.EditInTab($"{expand($DOCS ?? '~/docs')}/journal/2024.rst")<CR> 34 # go to todo file 33 nnoremap <silent> got <scriptcmd>buf.EditInTab($"{expand($DOCS ?? '~/docs')}/todo.rst")<CR> 32 # go to work todo file 31 nnoremap <silent> gow <scriptcmd>buf.EditInTab($"{expand($DOCS ?? '~/docs')}/todo-w.rst")<CR> 30 # go to *** file 29 nnoremap <silent> gop <scriptcmd>buf.EditInTab($"{expand($DOCS ?? '~/docs')}/habamax.rst")<CR> 28 27 import autoload 'os.vim' 26 # go to current file in os file manager 25 nnoremap <silent> gof <scriptcmd>os.FileManager()<CR> 24 # open URLs 23 nnoremap <silent> gx <scriptcmd>os.Gx()<CR> 22 21 tnoremap <C-v> <C-w>"" 20 19 # base64 18 xnoremap <space>tbe <cmd>let @" = trim(system('python -m base64', getregion(getpos('v'), getpos('.'), #{type: mode()})))<cr><cmd>norm! p<cr> 17 xnoremap <space>tbd <cmd>let @" = trim(system('python -m base64 -d', getregion(getpos('v'), getpos('.'), #{type: mode()})))<cr><cmd>norm! p<cr> 16 15 # Ripgrep word under cursor 14 nnoremap <space>8 <scriptcmd>exe "Rg" expand("<cword>")<cr> 13 xnoremap <space>8 "0y<scriptcmd>exe "Rg" getreg("0")<cr> 12 11 if !has("gui_running") 10 set <M-u>=^[u 9 endif 8 # inoremap <M-u> <esc>gUiwgi 7 inoremap <M-u> <esc><scriptcmd>search('\w', 'bc', line('.'))<cr>gUiwgi 6 HELLO!!!! 5 4 3 HELLO_WORLD 2 1 268 hello_ -- INSERT -- 268,7 Bot