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GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 889 views

The repodata and package data is cached. This is just solving.

name = "polarify-use-case"
channels = ["conda-forge"]
platforms = ["linux-64", "osx-64", "win-64", "osx-arm64"]

postinstall = "pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps --disable-pip-version-check -e ."
start = 'python -c "import sys; print(f\"Python version: {sys.version}\"); import polars; print(f\"Polars version: {polars.__version__}\")"'

python = ">=3.9"
pip = "*"
polars = ">=0.14.24,<0.21"
python = "3.9.*"
python = "3.10.*"
python = "3.11.*"
python = "3.12.*"
polars = "0.17.*"
polars = "0.18.*"
polars = "0.19.*"
polars = "0.20.*"

pytest = "*"
pytest-md = "*"
pytest-emoji = "*"
hypothesis = "*"
test = "pytest -s"

pre-commit = "*"
lint = "pre-commit run --all"

default = ["test"]
pl017 = ["pl017", "py310", "test"]
pl018 = ["pl018", "py39", "test"]
pl019 = ["pl019", "py39", "test"]
pl020 = ["pl020", "py312", "test"]
py39 = ["py39", "test"]
py310 = ["py310", "test"]
py311 = ["py311", "test"]
py312 = ["py312", "test"]
lint = ["lint"]