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isitup - Fast Domain Checker

License: MIT

Lanuguages used

Rust Shell

isitup is a Rust-based command-line tool for quickly checking if a list of domains or subdomains is up or not. What sets it apart is its multi-threaded design, which allows you to check a large number of domains concurrently, resulting in faster results.


  • Multi-threaded: Utilizes the power of Rust’s concurrency for speedy domain checking.
  • Simple to use: A straightforward command-line interface for quick domain checks.
  • Flexible input: Supports both domains and subdomains in a text file input.
  • Customizable: You can adjust the number of threads to optimize performance.


To build and install isitup, you’ll need Rust and Cargo. If you don’t have Rust installed, you can get it from Rust’s official website.

Once you have Rust and Cargo installed, you can build and install isitup using the following commands:

Get the necessary files

git clone
cd isitup


If you want to install, you can download the your prefered binary from the release, or use the following commands

chmod +x


Feel free to modify the source and build your own flavour of isitup

chmod +x


isitup domainlist.txt N

Where N is the number of concurrent threads, for example

isitup domain_list.txt 1000


If you want to remove the program from the system, use the following command

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/isitup

Made with ❤️ by Suman Roy
