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ia-get downloading Zzap! 64 Issue 01 from

Usage 📖

Simply pass the URL of an details page you want to download and ia-get will automatically get the XML metadata and download all files to the current working directory.


Why? 🤔💭

I wanted to download high-quality scans of ZZap!64 magazine and some read-only memory from Archives of this type often include many large files, torrents are not always provided and when they are available they do not index all the available files in the archive. publishes XML documents for every page that indexes every file available. So I co-authored ia-get to automate the download process.

Features ✨

  • 🔽 Reliably download files from the Internet Archive
  • 🌳 Preserves the original directory structure
  • 🔄 Automatically resumes partial or failed downloads
  • 🔏 Hash checks to confirm file integrity
  • 🌱 Can be run multiple times to update existing downloads
  • 📦️ Available for Linux 🐧 macOS 🍏 and Windows 🪟

A.I. Driven Development 🤖

This program is an experiment 🧪 and has been (mostly) written using AI. When I started this project I had no experience 👶 with Rust and was curious to see if I could use AI tools to assist in developing a program in a language I do not know. The initial version of the program was created using ChatGPT-4. I discussed that process in Episode 16 of Linux Matters. Since that initial MVP, I’ve used to add features and improve the code 🧑‍💻 All commits since Oct 27, 2023 that were co-authored by AI have full details of the AI contribution in the commit message. I’ve picked up some Rust along way, and some refactoring came directly from my own brain 🧠

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