GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 527 views

Testing of my 2D MMO Sandbox game development.

Actually, i want to try test it in GUI, But it is still interesting to try it in terminal anyways. After all, I am suck in HTML, CSS, and JS, Especially <canvas> for sake.

This project was created because i am facing thousand of problems with the existing online 2D MMO Sandbox game like Growtopia, or even Pixel Worlds. More than that, Currently none that i know was open source and doing what i exactly want it to do.

My goal is to make this game extensively. So more features could be added by the server owner hands.

Once things are ready to go, I will publish it under BSD-3-Clause.

The program was written in NodeJS. Because that’s only the programming languange that i could use. The database will be powered with PostgreSQL for certain reasons.

Check my fedi for more update: