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GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 2182 views

SkiffOS is a lightweight cross-compiled Linux distribution.


It combines a reliable read-only host OS with read-write containers to create a reliable system while still supporting the usual package-manager workflow.

This demo will show running four distributions on one Raspberry Pi 4:

debian, alpine, fedora, and Gentoo.

The system build can be customized with out-of-tree configuration packages:


Each user account is assigned to one of the containers. Switching distributions is as easy as switching users. If something is broken, you can reset the container to a known-working state. Supports systemd running as PID 1 in the container(s).

The host system is read-only, so the system is guaranteed to at least boot and be ssh reachable, even if a package upgrade is interrupted, or configuration files broken.

The OS is cross-compiled with Buildroot: https://buildroot.org