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Loading the Internet module from StackBeta5

by gerph
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ fish 332 views

This is one of the betas of the Internet stack, showing how very slowly the module loads. The hourglass ticks up about one percent per second, before generating lots of accesses to zero page. There isn’t much information on what it was trying to do.

The reason that it takes so long to initialise is that it’s generating random data 4 bytes at a time, rather than trying to request all the random data it needs in one go. 32768 calls to a CryptRandom SWI, just to create the initial random data makes it take a while to initialise. The zero page accesses are because the system tries to directly access the kernel memory for the monotonic time. This is not supported on RISC OS Pyromaniac and the module doesn’t care but does it anyway. The result is that it generates a lot of warnings about zero page access as it repeatedly tries to read address 0.