GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 288 views

SD card must be present in the device
Device is connected through the serial interface

0:29 - performing factory reset using the button on the back
2:30 - boot to TOS 3.8.5
3:45 - setting the WAN interface to DHCP
4:30 - checking we got address on WAN
4:50 - checking we have internet access
4:55 - getting CRL list
5:00 - pkgupdate - upgrade to TOS3.11.23
25:50 - reboot to TOS 3.11.23
27:20 - checking Internet connectivity
27:44 - updating package feeds
28:05 - installation of turris_btrfs
28:40 - btrfs_migrate - migration to SD card
29:50 - reboot from SD card
30:30 - verifying we are running system from SD card
30:55 - updating package feeds
31:03 - installation of wget
31:12 - download of medkit
31:30 - importing the medkit with schnapps
32:30 - schnapps rollback to the freshly imported factory image
32:40 - reboot to TOS 5.3.5