macOS ◆ xterm-color ◆ bash 2038 views

Step-by-step guide to create dc-on-docker on your laptop with vagrant, docker, and OpenSwitch.

Here is the 15 steps in the show:

  1. vagrant up
  2. apt-get install build-essential…
  3. apt-get remove python
  4. wget python-2.7.11 and make install
  5. wget easy_install … | sudo python

  6. pip install paramiko=1.16.0…
  7. git clone…/ansible and make install
  8. wget docker | sh

  9. usermod -aG docker vagrant
  10. ssh-keygen
  11. git clone…/dc-on-docker
  12. ansible-playbook utils/
  13. ansible-playbook
  14. ssh netop@localhost -p 10022
  15. show run && show ip route

I’ll re-record it next week, as this one had a glitch during the pip handling in ansible-playbook utils/setup.yaml. I figure that out that we should use easy_install pip instead of apt-get install pip as one of the play in utils/setup.yaml

I’ll keep this asciicast in a meanwhile. :)

Happy Hacking!

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