GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 1438 views

The gscrivano/zstd-chunked:nginx image is a squashed image built from the following Dockerfile:

FROM gscrivano/zstd-chunked:fedora
RUN yum install -y nginx && yum clean all -y

To prepare the demo, the development version of skopeo was installed with:

$ sudo yum build-dep -y skopeo
$ go install -v

The first image is fully fetched since the local storage is empty and there is no deduplication happening. The second pull fetches only the files that are not already present in the storage (that is the nginx package). Files that are already present in the storage are deduplicated with reflinks.

The demo shows these steps:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/containers/ && printf '[storage]\ndriver = "overlay"\n[storage.options]\npull_options = {enable_partial_images = "true"}\n' > ~/.config/containers/storage.conf
$ skopeo copy docker://gscrivano/zstd-chunked:fedora containers-storage:fedora
$ skopeo copy docker://gscrivano/zstd-chunked:nginx containers-storage:nginx