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How to add everyone participating in SRCCON to a Twitter list

by dann
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 1992 views

SRCCON’s proposals/sessions page lists authors with twitter accounts. This command-line script uses regex and the t tool to extract twitter handles and add them to a list:

      $ t list create srccon2016

      $ curl -s http://srccon.org/sessions/proposals/ | 
            ack 'twitter.com/@?(\w+)' --output '$1' | 
            tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | 
            sort | uniq | 
            xargs t list add srccon2016

The resulting list: https://twitter.com/dancow/lists/srccon2016

Check out more cool command-line Twitter tasks in t’s documentation: https://github.com/sferik/t

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