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digite tmux no seu terminal

$ tmux

TMUX Window binds

<prefix> + c: creates a new window <prefix> + 1: navigates to window 1 (or 2 to navigate to window 2, etc…) <prefix> + n: navigates to the next window <prefix> + p: cycles through the last two visited windows <prefix> + ,: to rename a window

TMUX Panel binds

<prefix> + v : creates a new shell panel vertically splitting the viewport. <prefix> + x : creates a new shell panel horizontally splitting the viewport. <prefix> + r : cycles through different panel layouts. <prefix> + <arrowkey>: navigates to the panel indicated by the arrow key. <prefix> + s : shows a prompt where you can type the name of the window you want to send the panel to.

exiting panels and windows in TMUX

exit: closes a panel. When the last panel of the window is closed, the window is also closed.