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Directord Install, bootstrap, and scale environment test setup

by cloudnull
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 1631 views

Testing Directord at 408 node scale using 8 virtual machines.

VM Flavor

  • 3 vCPU
  • 5 GiB RAM
  • 40 GiB Disk

Operating System: CentOS 8 Stream

This process installs Directord using the tools scripts, bootstraps the 8 Virtual Machines, and then runs a built-in Directord orchestration to deploy 400 containers.

Once everything is online, a simple “hello world” command is executed against all 408 targets, completing in roughly 2 seconds.

Checkout the Directord documentation here: https://cloudnull.github.io/directord

Get the code: https://github.com/cloudnull/directord