macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ zsh 784 views

In this recording, I did the following with sources-api:

  • create a source
  • create an application (A)
  • create an application (B)
  • create an authentication that references application A
  • create an application_authentication (A) that references application A
  • create an application_authentication (B) that references application B

Observe that all of the objects were created successfully. Naively, I would not expect to be able to create the second application_authentication here since the authentication still references the first application. Since cloudigrade does not support that flow, the second application fails setup, as can be observed in the response around 1:04.

Some questions I have:

  • What is the generally expected behavior of the system in this case?
  • What is the primary intended use case for this behavior?
  • Should sources-api allow multiple application_authentication objects connecting one authentication to multiple authentications?
  • Does the direct relationship between authentication and application actually mean anything since application_authentication objects can define different relationships?