XMR<>BTC Test-/Stagenet swap (prototype demo)

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This video showcases a demo swap using our swap tool on Bitcoin testnet3 and Monero stagenet. Note that for the sake of the demo both parties are run on the same machine (I was swapping with myself ;).

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The video starts with setting up (bottom three panes) the monero-wallet-rpc for Alice and Bob, starting bitcoind and loading the wallets for Alice and Bob. The actual swap is triggered at time 3:11 in the top two panes (Alice on top of Bob).

You can find the code for this demo here: https://github.com/comit-network/xmr-btc-swap/tree/demo

This is an early stage demo that can be trialed by devs! We are working on a more usable MVP version. The MVP will not be using existing wallets and will not require full node setup. Stay tuned!

Links to the Bitcoin testnet3 transactions:

Bob’s lock tx: https://mempool.space/testnet/tx/98a9061d181243fc283054e4da10614e7e3904776fbcc7f05575b7631428127c Alice’s redeem tx: https://mempool.space/testnet/tx/4cfc525425776e2cd206f8b6ab40757d7260cf4c8073e65f2967eb27754e89a1

Link to the Monero stagenet transaction:

Alice’s lock tx: https://monero-stagenet.exan.tech/search?value=3c91a94205b486ae679a9eb286d82b9483c181c29555917130a9c77cbcabb9b1 In this version of the setup Bob does not spend from the transaction, hence there is not redeem transaction. Bob is receiving the money buy including the tx in a wallet.

Run it yourself following the video - if you need help or have questions:

Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/!QqYPpVbtwYxRItuYiA:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/comit_network