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GNU/Linux ◆ rxvt-unicode-256color ◆ zsh 835 views

Video recording of this script running, using this container, built from thisDockerfile, from this repository

00:00 - setup

00:12 - start first command

ikeforce.py -a "<ip_address>"

# you can skip to the next section when you have waited as long as you wanted

02:00 - finish first command/start second command

ikeforce.py "<ip_address>" -e -w wordlists/groupnames.dic -t "<ike_transforms_for_ip_address>"


# ike transform example is from this example output: https://github.com/elreydetoda/vagrant-files/blob/b35ed3982643bfe0484d041d9756c3e2aaed205f/elrey741_kali-linux_amd64/tools/ikeforce-automation.sh#L89
ikeforce.py "" -e -w wordlists/groupnames.dic -t  "5 2 65001 2"

02:23 - finish second command/start showing results