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ClaViChord — A Smart VimL Omni Completion (Vim)

by zdharma
GNU/Linux ◆ rxvt-unicode-256color ◆ zsh 562 views

A smart Vim omni completion plugin for VimL script. Feature highlights:

  1. Declared function-name detection and completion only on command position (e.g.: after a call …, an if …, a dot ., etc.)

  2. Declared variable-name detection and completion only where feasible, e.g.: after the dot ., inside a var[…], after an if ….

  3. Already used array- and dict-keys detection and completion only inside a var[…].

  4. Fast and non-intrusive, elastic line completion that’s always active.

Homepage: https://github.com/zphere-zsh/clavichord-omni-completion