IP over LoRa at 868 MHz (EU) using tncattach

by almeyras
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 882 views

This tutorial will:

  1. Create a LoRa interface in each node using tncattach
  2. Establish a PPP link with tncattach
  3. Ping throug LoRa link
  4. iperf3 throughput test
  5. SSH test through link
  6. MOSH test through link

The hardware used is 2x Waveshare LoRa HAT for Raspberry Pi (EBYTE E22 driving a Semtech SX1262) along with 2x Raspberry Pi Zero.

  • E22: 115200 baud, 8N1, 62.5 kbps, 240 bytes, LBT disabled. For easy config, use USB TTL cable with M1=1, M0=0 and the EBYTE RF Setting app.
  • tncattach: MTU is 236 bytes (240 - 4 bytes for PPP overhead)

SPECIAL THANKS to Mark Qvist for creating “tncattach”