macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 196 views

Before starting this recording, I inserted some prints and sleep in the CloudAccount.disable method. This simulates any kind of delay that would be encountered during our current pre_delete Django signal. The diff is simply:

diff --git a/cloudigrade/api/ b/cloudigrade/api/
index 9030f6d..d9cfffb 100644
--- a/cloudigrade/api/
+++ b/cloudigrade/api/
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ def disable(self, message="", power_off_instances=True):
             self.user.username, self.platform_application_id, "unavailable", message
+        import time
+        print("Reticulating splines...")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        print("Plasma cloud fractal synthesis complete.")

     def _power_off_instances(self, power_off_time):

In two sessions, I attempt to delete “all” CloudAccount instances. Because the first session is stuck waiting in the pre_deletecode, the second session also attempts to delete the same account and ultimately breaks when it can only load part of the data.