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reference: https://github.com/elreydetoda/vagrant-files/tree/master/elrey741_kali-linux_amd64

checkout this link if you need to adjust screen size: https://asciinema.org/docs/embedding

00:06 - starting vagrant alias

00:12 - vagrant box starting import

01:40 - vagrant box finished import

01:44 - prompt for choosing external interface

02:14 - machine booted successfully and starting to provision

02:15 - vagrant-vbguest plugin trying to upgrade the virtualbox guest additions

03:10 - vagrant-vbguest plugin finished and machine booted

03:14 - vagrant mounts the configured shared folders

03:16 - starting provisioners with ansible

07:43 - finished first ansible provisioner and using reload provisioner to reboot machine

07:49 - example of vagrant notifying user of newer box with updates (skip once you see the prompt for the physical interface to the next timestamp)

30:00 - answered prompt for physical address (sorry stepped away for some coffee :grin: )

31:23 - starting next ansible provisioner

33:34 - stopping machine so a snapshot can be taken

33:41 - snapshot of vm taken

33:45 - starting up machine again to prepare to connect over ssh

35:33 - sucessfully ssh’ed into virtual machine (vm) through vagrant ssh

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