Git client on RISC OS! (Fake... but still cute)

by gerph
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ fish 1206 views

An experimental feature for Pyromaniac is host command execution - where you can invoke a command from the host system from within the CLI, and have the output printed to the RISC OS VDU stream.

An experimental feature of this experimental feature is processing of the ANSI sequences in the output into the equivalent RISC OS VDU controls. Because Pyromaniac already supports turning those RISC OS VDU controls into ANSI control sequences, it means that the command that was executed on the host system runs, outputs its ANSI sequences, they get converted to RISC OS sequences, then the VDU implementation can turn them back to the correct ANSI sequences to be displayed in a console output.

This recording shows the running of the git client on the host system produces colour output. It’s Fake because the git client isn’t running on RISC OS, but on the host system, and it’s also fake because I didn’t actually type the commands - it’s just printing them by calling the host system and then sleeping. Because the start of the recording includes the command that was used to create the recording, there’s actually nothing being hidden here.