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GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ zsh 5412 views

Make zsh start INSTANTLY with this one weird trick.

1. Download instant-zsh.zsh.

curl -fsSL -o ~/instant-zsh.zsh https://gist.github.com/romkatv/8b318a610dc302bdbe1487bb1847ad99/raw

2. Add this at the top of your ~/.zshrc.

source ~/instant-zsh.zsh
instant-zsh-pre "%n@%m %~%# "

Adjust the argument of instant-zsh-pre to be similar to your real prompt. For example, if you are using Powerlevel10k with lean two-line prompt, this works well:

instant-zsh-pre "%B%39F${${(V)${(%):-%~}//\%/%%}//\//%b%31F/%B%39F}%f"$'\n'"%76F❯%f "

3. Add this at the bottom of your ~/.zshrc.
