Freeway works! Hosts appear from other machines.

by gerph
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ fish 625 views

The Freeway module provides a resource location service, which is used by ShareFS to locate shared discs, and by Resolver to resolve the names of other hosts on the network. Although ShareFS is a little complex, the hosts discovery is quite useful - not least because it shows that modules which listen for socket data arriving, using the Internet Event, are working.

Here, the system is running on a machine called ‘Laputa’. By the time the *FWShow command is issued, Freeway has broadcast its information to other machines on the network and received responses. The command shows that the system has received the registration from the remote machine ‘WinRPCEmu’ (a RISC OS system running under RPCEmu on Windows[1]). Although it’s not visible here, the RPCEmu system happily sees the registration from ‘Laputa’ as well.

There’s a gap in the recording which wasn’t intentional - I didn’t really need to pause for the module to work.

[1] Actually Windows is running under VMWare on my Mac, so there’s an extra level of indirection going on there, but it’s not relevant to the demonstration. (yeah, RISC OS on Mac OS is talking over a network to a virtualised Windows system which is running an emulated RISC OS… there’s no actual ARM processor involved here at all).