GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 1479 views


A Scripture Rosary GUI on the Bash CLI. github

  • Liturgical Calendar (Paschal Full Moon) with Seasonal and Feast Day triggered events.
  • Vulgate Latin and NAB English Biblical translation database
  • Daily Mass Readings (scraped from
  • Prayer Chant Soundtrack ( Ogg Audio provided by / )


This is a Linux CLI terminal GUI App.

This App was built arround a slimmed down json database which was ported from electron-container.

Recommended Use Cases:

  • “Busy Persons Retreat” and or Leccio Divina
  • Run locally in a background terminal session for audio room ambiance. Interactive Jukebox
  • Host on a ssh/ssl network.
  • For use as an educational quick reference (Catechism, linguistic, terminal cli, cultural history)

Requirement Dependencies:

  • Basic GNU Terminal Tools: Bash, ncurses/tput, wget, cal, bc, awk, & grep
  • JQ is a cross-platform C program which parses json script via command line terminal
  • dialog / whiptail is a terminal App for making dialog box style input prompts
  • ogg123 is a ogg audio player which can run within terminal environment
  • elinks is a well-established feature-rich text mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser.


This App will perform a requirements check and install Audio & Software, as needed, on startup. When possible, it will render in Xterm at 140x40. Your alsa or pulseaudio must already be configured on your system for audio to work.

(Main) CLI App: ./bash-rosary

  • App Launcher for Desktop Environment: ./xterm-launcher (it will call ./bash-rosary)

  • Automatically verify and add needed software that is missing on your system. ./source/gnu/download-gnu-software (Called automatically from within App or you can run it manually)

Test Environments:

Test Distro’s Development Environment Notes
Arch This App was developed on Arch Linux. I also tested it with shellinabox cross platform hosting.
Slackware Tested on Salix ( legacy repo linux platform compatible )
Alpine OpenRC, Docker, BusyBox. Fastest install and setup process
Ubuntu Trisquel, Tahrpup, and Mint. Average performance.
Debian Jq/gcc performed the best on Debian resulting in fast query processing
WSL All the GNU works, but other than testing, I did dot build it for WLS

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