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GNU/Linux ◆ xterm ◆ bash 1585 views


It’s a tool of security audit for smart wordlist and Google hacking attack The feature smart wordlist make the wordlist based on words on all website/system.

Project: https://github.com/Jul10l1r4/D4N155.git

At Segmentation fault.


D4N155: Tool for smart audit security
Usage: bash main <option> <target>

    -h, --help                  Show this mensage.
    -w, --wordlist              Make the smart wordlist 
                                 based in informations on
    -t, --target <source>       Make the smart-wordlist based in your passed
                                source informations in urls.
    -v, --vulners                   Get urls that can cause attacks.
    -a, --all                   Make all features.
 Target: <url, domain or IP>
 It's GNU/GPL version 3