Connecting to a Raspberry Pi UART using a Bus Pirate

by ipatch
macOS ◆ tmux-256color ◆ fish 3882 views

In this cast I demonstrate connecting to a Raspberry Pi UART, ie. console port using a serial connection through Bus Pirate connected to my MacBook Pro.

I use screen to interface with the Bus Pirate through Alacritty.

Note the Bus Pirate will need to be unplugged from the computer when finished with the terminal session, ie. there is NO way to cleanly exit from the Bus Pirate, other than maybe killing the screen session itself.

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-[SERIAL#] 115200
# 3. UART
HiZ> m
(1)> 3
# 9. 115200
(1)> 9
# Data bits and parity:
# 1. 8, NONE *default
(1)> 1
# Stop bits
# 1. 1 *default
(1)> 1
# Receive polarity:
# 1. Idle 1 *default
# Select output type:
# 2. Normal (H=3.3V, L=GND)
# To finish setup, start up power supply with 'W'
# Ready
# Clutch engaged!!!
# UART bridge
# Reset to exit
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