manubot cite: automatically generate CSL metadata & formatted references from citation identifiers

by dhimmel
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ zsh 1059 views

This recording demonstrates the manubot cite command line utility to produce CSL Data and rendered references for standard citation identifiers. Learn more at

The recording shows the following commands (although with different argument orders and newlines):

# Generate CSL JSON Data for citations
manubot cite url:

# Render citations into formatted references
manubot cite --render \
  doi:10.1038/nbt.3780 pmid:29424689 pmcid:PMC5938574 arxiv:1407.3561 url:

# Change the bibliographic style
manubot cite --render \
  --csl= \
  doi:10.1038/nbt.3780 pmid:29424689 pmcid:PMC5938574 arxiv:1407.3561 url:

The manubot program demonstrated here is written in Python and used by the larger Manubot project, which is a system for writing scholarly manuscripts on GitHub with continuous integration.