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Rogue in the Dark

This is the first recorded run in my roguelike game: Rogue in the Dark.

RitD is a personal, open-source project currently in the early stage of developement, which means that the game is not playable yet (or, anyway, is not fun).

The video

This short demo is meant to show the basic idea behind the game: find your way from the attic of a haunted mansion down to the cellar to find the fabled Necronomicon. Along your way, rats, cultists and zombies (and more to come in the future) will try to kill you. Fight them or run away. If you find knives and armors, equip them: they will help you in combat. Drink health potions to replenish your life. Beware: if your lantern runs out of fuel and you are surrounded by darkness, all is lost!


RitD is written in Rust and currently requires a nightly toolchain to build. The souce code should compile and run, in case you want to give it a try.

Hosted on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/Enc/rogue-in-the-dark