Non-Visual Example of Playing a game without vision

by philschatz
macOS β—† xterm-256color β—† bash 802 views

This is the non-visual version of all the steps that can be seen in . The user reads the puzzle level by inspecting the various positions in the puzzle and then moving the player to the right and observing changes that happen to the game.

(not shown in this screencast) Ideally, there will eventually be away to β€œTab” through all of the objects in the level to quickly determine what things are in the level. For example, pressing Tab multiple times would output the following:

1 Player at (2, 2)
1 DirtyDishes at (2, 4)
1 CleanWater at (2, 6)
1 EmptyTrolley at (2, 9)
60 Wall at (0, 0-11), (1, 0-11), (2, 0-1), (2, 10-11), (3, 0-11), (4, 0-11)

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