GNU/Linux ◆ xterm ◆ bash 972 views

Official Website: Discord Chat: Network Explorer: Block Explorer: Webwallet:

This script is to install a Ethergem node on your own vps. It has been testing on a $5 Linode VPS. A video of how to use this script can be found at cd ~/ nano paste the from github into this new file exit nano by pressing control + x press Y to save

next we need to make the script executable. So run the following command.

chmod +x

Now we are ready to run the script. During the install process there will be minimal interaction needed.

To execute the start or the script run the following command.

source; step1

The script is a 2 part processes. Once the first part is complete you will be prompted to execute a secind command.

source; step2

During the step 2 process you will be promted to type in some details for your node.

Node Name and Contact Details.

During the Step2 of the install process there is a 5 min sleep before activiating the node on the Net- Intelligence page. It is a not so fool proof way of allowing the new node to catch up to the current block/ sync. After the instalation is complete you will be prompted with a complete message an the link. If all went well when you visit the page you should see your newly created node on the page.

* Note after setup if you notice that your node is red it could be due to not being fully sysnced with the current block height. Give it a few min to catch up and you should be good to go. If you have any trouble feel free to ask for help on the Official Egem discord.