Train AI (Keras + Tensorflow) with Django REST Framework with Swagger and JWT - Getting Started

by jayjohnson
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-color ◆ bash 9058 views


Django REST Framework + JWT + Swagger + Keras + Tensorflow Automate training AI to defend applications with a Django 2.0+ REST Framework application + Swagger and JWT. The Swagger API supports Prepare Dataset and Run Deep Neural Network with new Dataset requests. These calls are used by the included client scripts in the tests directory and are ready for automation on networks and infrastructure. For more details please refer to the parent Network Pipeline repository.

This repository was built to help capture non-attack network traffic and to improve the accuracy of the Keras + Tensorflow Deep Neural Networks by providing them a simple multi-tenant REST API that has Swagger + JWT authentication baked into a single web application. It also does not require a database (unless you want to set it up), and will be scaled out with Celery Connectors in the future.

I plan to automate the tests in a loop and then release the captured HTTP traffic to compile the first non-attack dataset for pairing up with the OWASP attack data which is already recorded and available in: