Running using Docker + Fig

by marcellodesales
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm ◆ bash 651 views

This shows how to setup the database dependencies of npm-www using Fig. In addition, it will also use fig to build and then run all the containers using Docker.

  • npmRegistryCouchdbData: The data container for the CouchDB server.

  • npmRegistryCouchdbServer: The CouchDB container that uses the volumes from its data container.

  • npmRegistryElasticsearchData: The data container for the ElasticSearch server

  • npmRegistryElasticsearchServer: The ElasticSearch container that uses the volumes from its data container.

  • npmRegistryRedisData: The data container for the Redis server.

  • npmRegistryRedisServer: The Redis container that uses the volumes from its data container.

  • npmregistryserver: The npm-www server Node Hapi server that is built using the Dockerfile, reuses the couchdb volume.