Fully automated GitLab installation on Debian/Ubuntu using the new wizard feature on packager.io

by crohr
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 1272 views

The screencast shows how you can get a fully working installation of GitLab, using system packages, just by entering a few details in interactive wizards.

The demo does not show the creation and push/pull on repositories because GitLab UI does not work in a text-based browser such as lynx. But it works ;-)

Using system packages allows anyone to keep their installation secure by regularly upgrading their system with the security fixes provided by their distribution.

Note: you should probably view the screencast in full screen since I forgot to reduce my terminal size before recording (the wizards appear weird).

These packages are still experimental, but can be found at https://packager.io/gh/pkgr/gitlabhq#installer

You can further configure GitLab by editing /etc/gitlab-ce/gitlab.yml. Any changes to this file will survive upgrades.

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