Demo of basic datasets meta-data search using DataLad [80x24]

by DataLad
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm ◆ zsh 264 views

List of the commands (with timing after #) executed in the asciinema:

datalad search raiders neuroimaging # 21.20 sec help

datalad search raiders neuroimaging # 3.11 sec help

datalad search -d /// -s author -R haxby # 1.09 sec help

cd ~/datalad # 0.06 sec

datalad search -s author -R haxby # 1.09 sec help

datalad search -s author -r name -r author Haxby # 1.13 sec help

datalad search -s author haxby | xargs datalad install # 19.11 sec help

datalad ls -Lr . | grep -v 'not installed' # 6.69 sec help

cat openfmri/ds000105/dataset_description.json # 0.06 sec

datalad get -J4 openfmri/ds000*/sub-*/anat # 9.63 sec help

datalad ls -Lr . | grep -v 'not installed' # 6.22 sec help