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Singularity, Idea for Modular Security Checks

by vs
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 2654 views

This is the start of thinking for an implementation for security level checks.


Broadly, a check is a script that is run over a mounted filesystem, primary with the purpose of checking for some security issue. This process is tighly controlled, meaning that the script names in the checks folder are hard coded into the script check.sh. The flow of checks is the following:

  • the user calls singularity check container.img to invoke check.exec
  • specification of --low (3), --med (2), or --high (1) sets the level to perform. The level is a filter, meaning that a level of 3 will include 3,2,1, and a level of 1 (high) will only call checks of high priority.
  • specification of --tag/--tags will allow the user (or execution script) to specify a kind of check. This is primarily to allow for extending the checks to do other types of things. For example, for this initial batch, these are all considered security checks. However, we can also take multiple tags. A script might have tag security but also tag debootstrap to specify it should only perform checks with one or both these tags. The check.help displays examples of how the user makes this specification:
# Perform all security checks, these are the same
$ singularity check ubuntu.img
$ singularity check --tag security ubuntu.img

# Perform high level security checks
$ singularity check --high ubuntu.img

# All security checks for tag security AND debootstrap
$ singularity check --tag "security+debootstrap" ubuntu.img

# All security checks for tag security OR debootstrap
$ singularity check --tag "security|debootstrap" ubuntu.img

Adding a Check

A check should be a bash script that will perform some action. The following is required:

  • The script assumes a base of SINGULARITY_ROOTFS. This is defined when coming from bootstrap, and when called via check.sh, is set via SINGULARITY_MOUNTPOINT.
  • The script should indicate any warning/message to the user if the check is found to have failed. If pass (don’t print anything? print pass?)
  • The script should return 0 when finished.
  • The script level, path, and tags should be added to check.sh in the following format:

#             [LEVEL] [SCRIPT]                                                            [TAGS]
execute_check 1       "$SINGULARITY_libexecdir/singularity/helpers/checks/1-hello-world.sh" security
execute_check 2       "$SINGULARITY_libexecdir/singularity/helpers/checks/2-hello-world.sh" security
execute_check 3       "$SINGULARITY_libexecdir/singularity/helpers/checks/3-hello-world.sh" security

The function execute_check will compare the level with the user specified (or default) SINGULARITY_CHECKLEVEL and execute the check only given it is under the specified threshold, and (not yet implemented) has the relevant tag. If no tag is specified, either security can be default, or performing all checks.