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ContainersFTW: Flavors of Physics Testing

by vs
GNU/Linux ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 2014 views

This is a testing example of a competition participant running a container competition. The idea is the following:

  • someone with a scientific question makes the template linked above
  • a participant that wants to enter the competition forks the competition repo, writes code to produce an entry, and submits a pull request (PR)
  • the PR is tested with continuous integration, and the participant is added to the leaderboard (this last bit isn’t done yet)

For more details on the generation of competitions (or how it will be) see the containers-ftw docs. For a detailed walk through of the work to produce this starting example, see here..

Next steps include adding a submission mechanism to some leaderboard by way of the cftw software that was used to generate the template. Stay tuned!